
A total of 1484 barrels are gradually being removed from Leese

A total of 1484 barrels are gradually being removed from Leese

Lula had been sentenced to twelve years in prison for corruption. Until the very end he tried to prevent arrest. His lawyers have lodged a number of appeals, including petitioning the UN Human Rights Committee for an injunction. In the end, the 72-year-old gave in: “I will accept the arrest warrant,” he said after celebrating a mass with friends and family for his wife Marisa Letícia, who died last year.

Lula’s supporters tried to block the arrest

However, his followers did not want to let him go. Hundreds of people blocked the exits of the metalworkers union headquarters in São Paulo on Saturday when Lula tried to drive to the police in a gray car. Only hours later did he leave the area in a column of black SUVs.

After his arrest, he was taken to the Federal Police Headquarters in the southern Brazilian city of Curitiba, where a cell had been prepared for him. According to media reports, Lula has a bed, table, chairs and bathroom there.

Lula thinks the verdict is politically motivated

Before that, he gave a fiery speech in front of the union building. It was there that he began his political career in the 1970s. “I dreamed a long time ago that it would be possible in this country to bring millions of poor people into the economy, send them to universities and create millions of jobs,” said Lula.

Ex-President Lula at the metal union: A supporter of Lula cries while the ex-president of Brazil makes his last public appearance in front of the headquarters of the metal workers’ union before entering prison. (Source: André Penner / dpa)

“This is the crime I committed. They are indicting me for that. If it is a crime to take a poor man to university, take a black man to university, let a poor man buy a car or fly a plane, I will I continue to be a criminal in this country because I will do a lot more. “

Lula is involved in the scandal surrounding bribes when awarding contracts to the state-owned oil company Petrobras. Among other things, he is said to have accepted the renovation of a luxury apartment from the construction company OAS. He sees himself as a victim of a conspiracy by right-wing politicians and the media who, in his opinion, want to prevent his return to the top of the state.

“The more they attack me, the more my relationship with the Brazilian people grows,” said Lula. “I have a clear conscience. But I do not forgive them for calling me a thief.”

Lula was once the “most popular politician in the world”

During his tenure from 2003 to 2010, the “President of the Poor” modernized the largest economy in Latin America and improved the living conditions of millions of poor Brazilians with the “Fome Zero” (zero hunger) program and family welfare. US President Barack Obama called him “the most popular politician in the world”

In the October election, he wants to run again for the highest office in the state. However, it is unclear whether this will still be possible after his imprisonment. Further appeal bodies are still open to him. In the polls, Lula is clearly ahead with up to 36 percent.

If he cannot run in the election, the ultra-right Jair Bolsonaro could be the beneficiary in the election. He is called “Trump of Brazil”, incites against the left Labor Party and glorifies the military dictatorship (1964–1985). Immediately after Lula’s arrest, Bolsonaro posted a picture of Brazil’s national flag on Twitter.

Brazil: Lula has to go to jail Trials: Brazil’s ex-president Lula is expected to go to prison for twelve years

Lula called on his supporters in São Paulo to continue the political struggle and to preserve his legacy: “I am no longer a human being. I am an idea.”

Sources used: dpa

Hanover (dpa / lni) – In the Leese nuclear waste interim storage facility in the Nienburg district, a 200-liter barrel with low-level radioactive waste fell and was damaged. The Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment announced on Saturday evening that it was placed in a barrel as a protective measure, and that radioactive substances were not released. The incident occurred during the preparatory measures for the second outsourcing campaign for low-level radioactive waste. Until the cause of the crash has been clarified, no further barrels would be lifted off the stack.

A total of 1484 barrels are gradually being removed from Leese. They are to be post-treated and packed in containers approved for the future Konrad repository. The waste comes from medicine, research and commercial operations and was accepted in the former Steyerberg state collection point in the 1980s and 1990s. After their closure, the garbage was moved to the Leese interim storage facility. A few days ago the first 26 barrels with low-level radioactive waste had been removed.

In a Bible school with an attached boarding school in Lemgo in the Lippe district, more than half of the students were infected with the corona virus. According to a spokeswoman for the district on Tuesday, 60 out of 117 people tested were positive. The school is closed, the majority of the students from the Internet have left. The follow-up of contact persons by the health department has not yet been completed. According to the school, the first two cases became known on October 6.

The school offers a three-year course for students from all over Germany. She trains students to work with evangelical Christians in churches and missions.

The first 26 barrels with low-level radioactive waste have been transported from the Leese interim storage facility in the Nienburg district. They are to be post-treated and packed in containers approved for the future Konrad repository, as the Lower Saxony Ministry of the Environment announced on Friday. The GNS Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service is responsible for this work at its facility in Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia. The waste comes from medicine, research and commercial operations and was accepted at the former Steyerberg state collection point in the 1980s and 1990s, after which it was moved to the Leese interim storage facility. The Konrad repository in Salzgitter is scheduled to go into operation in 2027.

According to the Ministry of Environment, the inside of the barrels is randomly checked. A total of 1484 barrels are to be gradually transported from Leese. Their transportability will also be tested. Four barrels initially remained in the interim storage facility due to a slightly increased internal pressure.

In addition, the Lower Saxony State Office for Water Management, Coastal Protection and Nature Conservation (NLWKN) installed a local gamma dose rate probe. It provides online measured values ​​for radiation exposure. According to the ministry, these additional measurements go beyond the legal requirements and serve to inform the population while the barrels are being removed from storage.

Because he wanted to get rid of a spider, a car driver had an accident in the Swabian district of Neu-Ulm. The animal suddenly got in the face of the 25-year-old, the police said on Tuesday. When the man tried to wipe the spider away, he tore the steering wheel, got his car on the opposite lane and collided with another car.

Nobody was injured in the accident on Monday morning in Bellenberg. The police estimate the damage to be around 8,000 euros. The driver can now expect a fine due to a possible violation of the right-hand driving law. According to a police spokeswoman, all trace of the spider has been lost.

Several babies of a small and endangered species of turtle were born in Cologne Zoo. Visitors can currently marvel at them in the terrarium.

Offspring in the zoo in Cologne: The zoo has succeeded in breeding a rare species of turtle. These are so-called grouped turtles, as the zoo announced on Thursday.

The parents of the young animals were confiscated in 2011 – they were supposed to be illegally brought into the European pet trade in a suitcase. Keepers of the Cologne zoo nursed the confiscated turtles.

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The first hatchling hatched in 2016, others followed in 2017 and 2018. In 2019, four new hatchlings were born. Two of them can currently be seen in the zoo’s terrarium.

Sources used: dpa news agency

A new pair of crested caracaras has moved into the Dortmund Zoo. The birds of prey can now be seen in the bird world of the zoo.

Anyone who has recently been out and about in the bird world of the Dortmund Zoo has surely noticed that a special species was missing: the crested caracaras. The last couple had to move out because males and females did not harmonize with each other.

But now a new couple has moved in. After all, the crested caracara, a bird of prey of the vulture falcon subfamily, is a must for the South American bird world. The new couple is still quite young and both birds get along very well so far. The zoo is therefore very confident that the two will harmonize perfectly as a couple.

Female is younger but more dominant

The female hatched in 2017 and has not yet been completely recolored. This can be recognized by the somewhat brownish youthful plumage and the lighter wax skin around the beak.

The crested caracara female: The hen is one year younger than her partner, but can assert herself very well. (Source: Dortmund Zoo)

The males are often smaller than their female partners. This is also the case with the rooster from the Dortmund Zoo, although it hatched a year earlier. When it comes to eating, too, the hen is often one step ahead and sometimes shooing him away when she wants to have a meal first. But that’s normal.

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The two newcomers can now be seen in the aviary next to the black vultures and king vultures.

Sources used: Press release Zoo Dortmund

The zoo in Frankfurt is to be redesigned in the coming years to meet the needs of the animals and the visitors. Two modern large halls are planned for the wild animals. The costs for this have not yet been determined.

The Frankfurt Zoo is to fundamentally change its appearance in the next 15 years. Around half of the eleven hectare zoo grounds are to be completely redesigned according to a concept study presented on Monday. At the moment, many buildings and facilities are no longer up-to-date, stressed Ina Hartwig (SPD), head of culture in Frankfurt. “In too many places they do not meet the needs of the animals entrusted to us or the visitors,” she said. A sustainable development plan for Frankfurt Zoo is “long overdue”.

With the “Future 2030+” development plan, however, it is not yet clear what costs will be associated with the redesign. This should be calculated in a master plan that should be completed within a year. Zoo director Miguel Casares wants to use two large halls to show animals from Africa or South America to visitors in a contemporary and animal welfare manner. According to the development plan, an approximately 6,700 square meter “Amazonia” hall is to be built in the northeast of the zoo.

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In the southwest, a 10,200 square meter Africa hall is intended to offer savannah dwellers, especially in the winter months, a home that is modeled on the landscape in the original home of the animals. “We want to make the fascination of wildlife tangible,” said Casares.

“Our visitors should immerse themselves in the world of animals.” Only with a successful and species-appropriate animal presentation could the visitors be induced to stand up for wild animals and their natural habitats.

Sources used: dpa news agency

The district administrator of the Lippe district, Axel Lehmann (SPD), has protected the district youth welfare office in the Lügde abuse complex. Of eleven investigative proceedings against officials, only one was directed against an employee of the youth welfare office in the Lippe district. This was discontinued because there were no indications of breaches of duty, said Lehmann to the investigative committee of the state parliament in Düsseldorf on Monday. There is not even a reason for consequences under labor law.

The files were kept clean and the case was well documented. The employee had arranged more than was required by law. Although the district of Lippe was responsible for information on child welfare endangerment, the Lower Saxony youth welfare office in Hameln-Pyrmont reported on request that the information had already been followed up. Nothing was found.

The decision to use Andreas V., who has since been convicted, to take care of a foster child, although he lived on a campsite, was made in Lower Saxony, where the foster child’s case was looked after responsibly.

Nevertheless, indications of the foster child’s poor living situation were followed up with several house calls and an improvement was achieved. No indications of abuse were discovered.

The indications that are subsequently interpreted as indications of child sexual abuse were not so clear back then – without suspicion of abuse. “” He does everything for sweets “- my parents might have said about me too,” said Lehmann.

The tremendous importance that such sentences are assigned with today’s knowledge could not be ascribed to them at that time.

But Lehmann admitted “blatant mistakes” by individual police officers and called the disappearance of evidence. However, the Lippe district police authority had previously lost 13 percent of its posts. “Lippe has the lowest police density in North Rhine-Westphalia,” said Lehmann. He said several times to the interior ministers Ralf Jäger (SPD) and Herbert Reul (CDU) more staff.

When he became district administrator, several leadership positions in the police were also vacant. Despite the poor staffing levels, they had the highest clear-up rate in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Since September 2019, the committee of inquiry has been investigating the extent to which misjudgments or failures by government agencies or authorities have favored abuse at a campsite in Lügde in Lippe. There had been hundreds of sexual violence against numerous children there over many years. The Detmold Regional Court imposed long-term imprisonment and preventive detention against the main perpetrators in autumn 2019.

The SPD parliamentary group wants to apply for the investigation committee “child abuse” to be expanded to include the latest complex uncovered in Münster. A spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group confirmed this on Monday. There are parallels. The state parliament must make the decision. The “Westfälische Nachrichten” reported first.

After Patrick Wiencek’s cancellation and Franz Semper’s cruciate ligament rupture, the handball national team has to do without another player at the World Cup in Egypt. Middle man Tim Suton from TBV Lemgo has also torn a cruciate ligament in his left knee and thus falls for the tournament from 13.