In the past, many trainees even had to pay school fees.
Parents clearly feel the lack of educators. There is a lack of day-care centers across the country, and the demand for childcare places for children under three is significantly greater than the supply. Particularly blatant: According to GEW information, in some places facilities cannot get started because there is a lack of staff. But parents who have been given a day care place for their child also feel the shortage of personnel: It happens nationwide that daycare centers have to close temporarily because there are not enough people who can step in when they are ill. In the small town of Achim near Bremen in Lower Saxony, for example, a municipal facility had such a shortage of staff in 2018 that a daycare group was only open until 2 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. as planned for several months. “In addition, there were individual days of closure – whenever I could not guarantee operation because colleagues were sick,” says Kita manager Hannelore Lankenau.
Several times there was only one emergency service. The reason for the situation was that one teacher had quit and the other was not taken on after the probationary period. The search for a new specialist remained unsuccessful for months. “” We didn’t find anyone, “says Lankenau. For the parents, the sudden reduction in childcare hours and the days of closure were a shock, as the then chairman of the parents’ council, Oliver Matthes, said. “” That was disastrous.
It was a feeling of powerlessness and anger. Many parents felt left alone by the city. “” As an emergency solution, parents initially took care of the children in the facility in the afternoon. Later, mothers and fathers talked to each other with friends or organized care by relatives, some of whom came from further away. For single parents or the socially disadvantaged, the situation was particularly tough, says Matthes. The explosive nature of the situation is exemplified by the figures for the city of Achim for the 2017/2018 daycare year: This daycare center with several groups had to reduce or close the care services on 78 days. “” We know how difficult it is for parents, “says Wiltrud Ysker, who is responsible for the education department in Achim.
Finding educators nationwide is difficult because there are too few skilled workers. The municipalities and cities compete for staff and are often in competition with one another. “” We all fish in the same pond, “says Achim’s mayor Rainer Ditzfeld (non-party) with a view of surrounding cities such as Bremen. The GEW trade union sees one reason for the drastic shortage of skilled workers in the previous training situation. “Pay is still a big problem,” says Köhler. A kindergarten teacher usually goes through four to five years of unpaid training.
In the past, many trainees even had to pay school fees. “” That expresses how our society has dealt with these professions for many years. “” The Federal Ministry of Family Affairs is relying on the funding program, which is due to start in mid-2019. “It must become more attractive to start training, complete it and then stay in the job,” said Minister Giffey recently. With financial help from the federal government, the training and working conditions are to be improved. This means that more trainees receive remuneration. The Left Party considers further measures to upgrade the educational professions to be necessary in order to remedy the shortage of personnel. “A serious upgrade includes taking preparation and follow-up times, advanced training and illness into account in the care key,” said party leader Bernd Riexinger.
From the point of view of the GEW, time is of the essence: The union assumes that Germany will need at least 300,000 additional educators by 2025 in order to maintain the current standard. If Germany wants to improve quality, around 500,000 additional skilled workers are likely to be needed, says Köhler, who points out that a large proportion of the women in daycare centers are older than 50 years. A study for the Family Ministry assumes that there will be a shortage of almost 200,000 skilled workers in kindergartens and primary schools by 2030.
Even if the figures from the union and the ministry are far apart, the seriousness of the situation is clear. Source:, jpe / dpa “Parents who place their children in a day care center in Duisburg have to pay significantly more fees than parents whose offspring visit a Berlin facility. (Photo: picture alliance / dpa) In some places, childcare costs Nothing at all, elsewhere parents have to dig deep into their pockets: The Institute of German Economy has examined the daycare costs across Germany – and found extreme differences. Depending on where they live, parents have to pay several hundred euros more each month for the daycare. According to a study by the Institut der Deutschen Wirtschaft (IW) Cologne, the range of fees in major German cities is between 0 and 630 euros. Parents pay the least in Berlin: Here, daycare care has been general since this summer free – regardless of how much the parents earn and how long the child is cared for, in other cities the fees are based on the age of the child, Bet Period of remission and annual income of parents staggered.
Duisburg parents have to dig deepest into their pockets if they earn more than 90,000 euros a year and have their 18-month-old child cared for nine hours a day. For the study, the IW Cologne has the fee schedules of the municipal daycare centers in all locations with more than 250,000 inhabitants and the smaller provincial capitals. Families with different incomes, children of different ages and different levels of care were considered. The quality of the day-care center care is not taken into account, for example how many children a single educator has to look after. Source:, kpi / dpa “Child bonus sounds good at first. (Photo: imago images / Jens Schicke) Also Families should benefit from the federal government’s economic stimulus package – through the so-called child bonus. The 300 euros will be paid out in September and October with the child benefit. But who will actually benefit from the reimbursement for the additional burdens of recent months? As part of the federal government’s stimulus package approved today Families receive 300 euros per child in the form of the so-called child bonus.
This is to compensate for the drudgery of many parents in the last few months. After all, they often had to close schools and daycare centers as part of the corona pandemic. For many, the so-called work-life balance has gotten out of hand as a result.
Because when things got really tough, in addition to their own job, the children also had to be looked after, enjoyed and schooled – and that should now be rewarded. There will be additional tax relief for single parents in 2020 and 2021. The child bonus is to be paid out in two installments in September (200 euros) and October (100 euros) together with the child benefit to initially around 18 million households.
No additional application is required to benefit from the payment. Families whose children have not yet been born but will be born this year will also receive the money through the family benefits office – provided they are also entitled to child benefit. In order to support particularly socially disadvantaged people, the bonus should not be offset against Hartz IV benefits. Everything sounds pretty good, but there is also a downer. Because the bonus is to be offset against the child allowances in the tax, like the child benefit. Which, within the framework of fair taxation, means that so-called high earners have nothing of the extra.
Which is also fine. Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey named a house number and said, “” that you can still benefit from the child bonus here up to a taxable income of 90,000 euros. After all.
The child bonus is still a declaration of intent, but has already asked tax expert Michael Bormann what income parents are likely to receive empty-handed. And he explains that jointly assessed parents are currently entitled to € 7,812 per year and child as a tax exemption. After submitting the tax return, the tax office calculates the actual tax burden.
After deducting all other tax-relevant amounts, such as business expenses and special expenses. Now the authorities do a comparative calculation: How much less taxes do the parents have to pay thanks to the tax exemption, and how much child benefit they received in the respective tax year (currently 2448 euros for the 1st and 2nd child and 2520 euros for the third child and 2820 euros for each additional child)? If the benefit from the tax-free allowance is greater, parents receive the difference in addition. Otherwise, the child benefit paid remains unchanged and there are no positive tax effects.
In fact, the child bonus will be paid in full to parents who have less than around 65,000 euros to tax, as reported by “Wirtschaftswoche”. If the taxable income is above this value, the advantage melts away. From a taxable income of around 82,000 euros, the child bonus then has no effect at all, because the benefit from the tax-free amount is greater than the sum of child benefit and child bonus. Where there are several children, the income limit for each additional child moves up even further.
Real top earners with an actual tax rate of 42 percent go away empty-handed in any case, because here the tax savings would be 7812 euros per child at 3281 euros. As a comparison, the 2448 euros would then be used, so that a tax saving of 833 euros still remains. If you add the € 300 bonus to the child benefit, you get € 2,748. The tax savings would then only amount to 533 euros. This means that these parents have just as much as without the bonus. In the case of parents who are not jointly assessed, half of the bonus is probably fictitiously attributed to the other parent who did not receive the child benefit and the bonus.
This is already happening with child benefit. The child bonus is probably paid to the parent who also receives the child benefit. According to an estimate by the federal government, around 3.1 million children will not benefit from the bonus payment in the more favorable test as part of the subsequent assessment, because the child allowance is still cheaper. Source:, awi “Currently parents receive 204 euros for the first and second child, 210 euros for a third child and 235 euros for the fourth and each additional child. (Photo: imago / McPHOTO) If the child breaks a voluntary social year the right to child benefit no longer applies.
The situation is different if the volunteer year is interrupted due to illness. Parents whose children do a voluntary social year do not lose their child benefit if the child has to interrupt the voluntary service due to illness. That was decided by the Hessian Finance Court (Az .: 9 K 182/19). “” If the child intends to continue their education after convalescence, the entitlement to child benefit will continue to exist for the duration of the interruption, “explains Isabel Klocke from the Bund der In this particular case, a father filed a lawsuit, whose daughter began a voluntary social year after graduating from high school. Over the course of the year, the daughter’s health deteriorated, who had suffered from bulimia and anorexia since her school days. She quit the volunteer year and went to inpatient treatment. After her recovery, she continued her training with another provider. The family benefits office canceled the child benefit because the daughter had broken off the volunteer year.
The Hesse finance court, on the other hand, agreed with the father, so that the family benefits office must continue to pay the child benefit even during the sick leave. From the judges’ point of view, there was no evidence that the daughter did not want to continue the voluntary service after recovering from illness. However, the judgment is not yet final because the family benefits office has appealed to the Federal Fiscal Court (Az. III R 15/20). Affected parents can still refer to the ongoing legal proceedings and, in comparable cases, object to the revocation of the child benefit and request that the proceedings be suspended. “In addition, it should be stated that the child wants to continue their education or the volunteer year,” advises Klocke.
The advantage: the judgment of the Federal Fiscal Court can be awaited. As long as your own tax case remains open. Source:, awi / dpa “The rules for receiving parental allowance are to be relaxed. (Photo: picture alliance / Andreas Geber) Parental allowance recipients should not suffer any losses as a result of the Corona crisis. This is planned , among other things, temporarily not taking short-time work and unemployment into account and being able to postpone the claim. Recipients of parental allowance should not suffer any financial disadvantages due to the corona pandemic: This goal is pursued by a proposal that the Federal Cabinet has decided according to government information.
The rules for receiving parental allowance are to be relaxed. Parents should be able to postpone their entitlement to parental allowance if they are professionally indispensable due to the Corona crisis – for example in the care sector or with medical care. Another innovation: Those who receive short-time work benefits or unemployment benefit I due to the pandemic do not have to expect lower parental benefit payments: When calculating the amount of benefits, the months with the lower earnings are simply excluded.
In addition, parents should not lose the partnership bonus if they are currently working more or less than planned due to the Corona crisis. The new law “ensures the economic stability of families even in times of crisis,” “said Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey. “With the adjustment, we are making Germany’s best-known and most popular family benefit in the Corona period crisis-proof.” “According to the ministry, 1.9 million fathers and mothers received parental allowance last year. The project still has to be approved by the Bundestag and Bundesrat. The regulations should then come into effect retrospectively on March 1st. Source:, jwu / AFP “Parents with lower incomes can look forward to. (Photo: imago images / Christian Ohde) Families with children should unite in the Corona crisis Get bonus.
For each child entitled to child benefit, 300 euros are transferred.